Word Power

by Ruthann Kerley


Romans 10:15 TPT “How welcome is the arrival of those proclaiming the joyful news of peace and of good things to come! But not everyone welcomes the good news…”

God’s Word is called the Good News, and in Hebrews  4:12, it is declared as Living and Powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. 

So why does it seem so easy, at this time, to fill our minds with the news of the day, rather than the truth of the Eternal?  The airwaves of TV, and social media, inundate us with so many “facts” and the latest statistics, that even the wisest and strongest of us can fall prey to feeling overwhelmed and fearful. These negative stories can choke the very life out of us, but what we really need is to run to the Good News of God’s Promises- His Word Power!

Let’s be the ones to welcome the Good News into the world. Let us declare God’s mighty Word Power, and see the circumstances around us change.

Come on NOW Church! Let us mobilize and activate the words of what we know to be true, instead of what we are seeing before our very eyes. I dare you to begin to speak to that mountain in front of you, and to speak words of life to those around you.  You were created to be here for this very moment. 

“Remember what you said to me, your servant- I hang on to these words for dear life! These words hold me up in bad times;  yes your promises rejuvenate me. “ Psalm 119:49 (MSG)